$225.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This website, all  programs and audio programs Liz Homan have all been created for the purpose of education only. Nothing shown here by its author(s) should be construed as being in the nature of a diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or a cure for any disease or complaint.

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The MOM Experiment 2 payment of $225

I help moms get their baby to be PEACEFUL but unlike other parenting coaches, id o not focus on strategies for the baby, I focus on MOM! By managing your emotional state, we influence your baby, and we do this by using my Manage Ourself Method (MOM) where I guide you in a 3 step process where you will learn to:

  • CARE for yourself & your children optimally
  • CREATE a life you love
  • and CONNECT with others to allow yourself to SHINE!

We will work together to prove that when we take care of the mom, the whole family thrives! 

What you gain:

  • Tools to use to regulate your emotional state
  • Ways to upgrade your unconscious thought patterns
  • Weekly calls with me
  • A community of like minded mothers
  • I am sure much more as we will work to figure out what works most effectively to allow our children to thrive!