Take the first step towards creating peaceful children!


but unlike other parenting coaches, I do not focus on strategies for the baby,

I focus on MOM! 



I will guide you in restoring your children's health but we will be achieving that in a different way. 

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By managing your emotional state, we influence your child and we will do this by using my Manage Ourself Method! 


I am hypothesizing that when we take better care of ourselves, our children’s health issues will change/resolve. 

I feel that there is nothing wrong with our children, but a mother who is completely overwhelmed, burnt out or over stressed…and I feel this way because I have seen instant changes in my children when I change my mental state. 

And I know I am not the only mom who has unnecessary stress in their life, and even though we know we should do things to lessen it, it still lingers and that stress then affects not only us, but our children as well. And I think that is because we do not have all the tools we need as moms to fully release this stress. But we can gain them and when implemented, make a change in our lives!

What I am looking for is a few moms who are so tired of their children’s lingering symptoms, either physical (think reflux, skin conditions, digestive issues) or behavioral (think hyperactive, sleep patterns, moody, ect) and want to make a change in their life.

There are several tools that I have been taught over the years, but not always the best at implanting myself, that I want to teach you to allow you to regulate yourself. I am not completely sure what this process will look like specifically yet as I am going to base it off of the moms who choose to join me on this journey.

I really look forward to walking this path with you and seeing what changes we can make!


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What will this look like?

Before we begin, you will take a comprehensive survey in which we will gain an understanding of your life, your childrens life and the well-being of the family. Then each week we will meet for one hour where I will introduce different tools for you to implement during the week. These will be simple, but effective strategies to bring balance to your life. As we go, we will be assessing how the changes that we are making affect not only us, but our children as well. Once we have reached a point where we feel calm, balanced and like amazing mothers, we should see a change in our children as well!

The time is now to make these changes so that you can enjoy these early precious years with your children! 



for yourself and your children optimally!


a life that you will love!             


with others to allow yourself to SHINE!



I am Liz Homan, a wife, mom, educator and chiropractor. Kyle and I have always chosen to live a natural lifestyle, especially when it comes to raising our girls and when I recently heard about the connection between our emotions and our health, I knew I needed to learn more!

As a chiropractor, I have assisted many families in restoring and maintaining their health, but I always felt like there was something missing. And when I discovered the importance of the mother/child connection, I figured out what it was. It was the mental component! Basically how our thoughts impact not only our health, but also our childrens health. 

Well, now that I know what I know, I am so excited to share it with people and help them become empowered in their parenting journey! These are all tools that I have used previously, and they have made a huge impact on my mothering ability. 

As a busy mom, I understand how you feel right now. You want to be more for your family, but you try and just keep 'failing'. That is because you are missing a few key tools that I am excited to share with you! 


Are you commited to making a change in not only your childrens lives, but also your own? If so, here are the pricing options! Now is the time to join this experiment!


What you will gain:

  • Tools to use to regulate your emotional state
  • Ways to upgrade your unconscious thought patterns
  • Weekly calls with me
  • A community of like minded mothers
  • I am sure much more as we will work to figure out what works most effectively to allow our children to thrive! 


2 Monthly Payments



2 payments of $225


1 Pay Option



1 upfront payment (save $25)

I am making this as affordable as possible as it is an experiment, but if price is a problem, reach out and we will see what we can do!